The app eBird

Different birds are adapted to living in different kinds of habitats at specific times of year, and one of the joys of birdwatching is going to new places to see new species of birds. An app that helps you do that is the free app eBird by Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Selecting the “Explore” button will show you a map of “birding hotspots”, places where a variety of birds are regularly found, that are in close proximity to you. Select “Explore Region” and enter the county in which you are interested. A drop-down menu will appear. Select your county of interest on the menu. This will show a list of species seen in that county. To find where the species was seen click on the date listed beside the name of that species.
The app eBird can also be used to keep your personal bird lists. This requires setting up an eBird account which is best done initially on a computer. You use your phone eBird app to make the lists while out in the field, and you use your computer to manage these lists and share with others.
To learn about eBird:
What is eBird?
How to use eBird:
The app Birds Near Me
Birds Near Me is an Apple app that shows a list of birds seen within 16 miles of you in the last 30 days. This is helpful for birdwatchers interested in trying to see a specific species of bird. This app uses the information collected by eBird.
The app GoBird – Guide to Nearby Birds
GoBird is an Android app that shows bird hotspots, maps for particular species and rare bird sightings.