This greenway runs for about three miles along Muddy Creek on the west side of Winston-Salem. The first section was opened in 2006. It was extended north to Robinhood Road in 2009 and further northward in 2010. Further extensions are planned.
South Section

Photo by Paul Nielson
From Silas Creek Parkway, go west on Country Club Road to Meadowlark Road. Turn right, go 0.5 mile to the entrance for Jamison Park just before the schools. Proceed down the hill to the parking area. From Robinhood Road turn left onto Meadowlark or use the small parking area at Robinhood Rd. (see North Section, below).

Photo by Jean Chamberlain
Check the fields for Red-winged and Rusty Blackbird, Killdeer, Sparrows and an occasional Meadowlark. Eastern Bluebirds nest in boxes along the greenway and are numerous, especially in fall. Wild Turkey frequent the meadows on the other side of the creek, especially in spring. Along the greenway, winter brings several species of sparrow, Winter Wren, Brown Creeper, Myrtle Warbler and sometimes Wilson’s Snipe. Warblers and other migrants, including occasional shorebirds, are here in spring. Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-breasted Chat, Indigo Bunting and Blue Grosbeak nest in summer. Herons, Red-shouldered Hawk, Belted Kingfisher and sometimes ducks can be found along the stream, while Red-tailed Hawk frequently circle overhead.
North Section
Access the northern half of the greenway at Robinhood Rd. There is a small parking area on the south side of the road just west of the bridge across Muddy Creek. Walk down to the greenway and turn left, following the greenway under the bridge. The first 1/4 mile or so is wooded on both sides; good for year-round residents like cardinals, thrashers, chickadees and woodpeckers. Keep your eye out for Eastern Phoebe and Eastern Bluebird, too. The wet habitat at the first footbridge also should be good for spring and fall migrants.

Common Yellowthroat
Photo by Jean Chamberlain
Further north, the habitat changes to early successional; excellent for Yellow-breasted Chat, Common Yellowthroat, Field Sparrow, Indigo Bunting, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and possibly Blue Grosbeak and Orchard Oriole in spring and summer. Also, Tree Swallows nested in one of the bluebird boxes in 2011. Don’t pass up the short branch path to the left, which leads to the school access road. A private pond across the road is visited by ducks, herons and kingfishers. Return to the greenway and continue your journey. The city greenway ends at a second footbridge but connects to a paved community walking path.
If you have time when you return to Robinhood Rd., continue south on the greenway about 1/4 mile to an open field containing several tall transmission towers. However, obey the No Trespassing sign and stay on the greenway. Eastern Kingbirds, Purple Martins and Barn Swallows frequent this area in summer, and in cooler months look for sparrows, including Vesper, White-crowned, Chipping, Field and Savannah. In both seasons, this also is a great place to enjoy the wildflowers and butterflies.
Thrashers, towhees and other year-round birds inhabit drier, scrubbier areas. The field under the transmission towers near Robinhood is active in the fall, including possible Vesper and White-crowned Sparrow. The latter also winter along the fence line on Hundley Road, which intersects with Meadowlark across from the schools, and at Red-tail Ridge Farm, across Meadowlark from the south entrance to the greenway.