Wood Thrush Connection Program
Forsyth Audubon and Piedmont Environmental Alliance (PEA) are excited about our bird education pilot program, launched in the fall of 2018!! We’d like to invite your students to participate in this free program, crafted specifically to meet state 4th grade curriculum standards, particularly in science science and social studies.
This program spawned from a new partnership between Forsyth Audubon and PEA. It consists of a 1-hour session in which students learn about bird migration and related terminology, engage with the presenters as they experience a vivid multi-media presentation, learn how they can help birds, participate in reenacting a woodpecker rescue, and play an active Migration Headache tag game which simulates collecting scientific data.
Some highlights of the presentation include a video clip of an actual release of a rescued woodpecker and a brief documentary demonstrating the latest technology and recent scientific field work, performed right here in North Carolina, a project which sparked an ongoing connection between Audubon Society chapters in Forsyth County and in the country of Belize!
Kids’ Bird Pack:
Students will each take home a Kids’ Bird Pack which includes…
- A summary cover letter and a list of Forsyth Audubon activities
- Instructions on how to make your own bird feeder (includes small pack of bird seed)
- Native Plants for Birds (Piedmont area) brochure
- Pack of native plant seeds w/ directions for planting and care
- Lights Out brochure
- Bird stickers
Follow-up Projects:
Teachers will be provided with follow-up project ideas and supporting resources for lasting positive impact for birds and education for students including…
- School garden
- Native plants for birds in school landscape
- Nest boxes and monitoring
- Or their own creative project
We will be soliciting your invaluable feedback afterwards. Thank you, in advance, for considering participation in our program!
Questions? Ideas?
Contact Wendy “Big Bird” Hawkins
Forsyth Audubon: Conservation Chair
Lights Out! Winston-Salem Coordinator
Audubon NC Ambassador