Monday Bird Outing

Tanglewood Park Yadkin River Trail 4061 Clemmons Road, Clemmons, NC, United States

Join us Monday, January 27th at 9:00 AM for our Monday Bird Outing! Meet at the gravel parking lot at the start of the Yadkin River Nature Trail, opposite SkilpotRead More

Monthly Chapter Meeting

Highland Presbyterian Activity building 2381 Cloverdale Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Join us on January 28, 2025 for our chapter meeting with Audubon North Carolina coastal biologist Lindsay Addison! Lindsay will update us on her work tracking coastal bird movements throughRead More

Second Saturday Bird Outing

Salem Lake Trail - Linville Parking Area Linville Road SE, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Join us at Salem Lake's Linville Road Parking Lot for our February Second Saturday Bird Outing. Ryan Goodman will lead the outing around the trails and lake looking for aRead More

Monthly Dinner

River Birch Lodge 3324 Robinhood Rd, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Forsyth Audubon monthly dinners take place on the second Tuesday of each month, 6PM, at River Birch Lodge on Robinhood Road. Group reservations are under “Forsyth Audubon”. There is noRead More

Young Birders Outing

Quarry Park 1790 Quarry Road, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Join us for our February Young Birders Outing at Quarry Park! This will be a special outing led by Jeremy Reiskind, focusing on birds AND geology. Quarry park is aRead More

Monday Bird Outing

Bethabara Visitor Center 2147 Bethabara Road, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Join us on February 24th at 9:00 AM for our February Monday Bird Outing! Meet outing leader Ann Newsome at the Bethabara Visitor Center.

Monthly Chapter Meeting

Highland Presbyterian Activity building 2381 Cloverdale Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

From our backyards to the NC state government, birds need strong advocates! Please join us at our monthly chapter meeting to hear from North Carolina Audubon Policy Director, Zach Wallace.Read More

American Woodcock Second Saturday Bird Outing

Muddy Creek - Robinhood Road entrance 4600 Robinhood Road, Wiston-Salem, NC, United States

Join us on March 8th at 6:30 PM for a special evening edition of our Second Saturday Bird Outing. Meet outing leader, Barb Borucki, at the Muddy Creek Greenway parkingRead More