Forsyth Audubon Board Meeting
March Board Meeting
March Board Meeting
Join us on March 8th at 6:30 PM for a special evening edition of our Second Saturday Bird Outing. Meet outing leader, Barb Borucki, at the Muddy Creek Greenway parkingRead More
Forsyth Audubon monthly dinners take place on the second Tuesday of each month, 6PM, at River Birch Lodge on Robinhood Road. Group reservations are under “Forsyth Audubon”. There is noRead More
Forsyth Audubon will be participating in Creek Week 2025. Join us in "Plirding" (picking up trash while birding) on Saturday, March 22 at 9:00 AM. We will work to cleanRead More
Join us for the March Young Birders Outing at Tanglewood Park! We will meet at 10:00 AM in the gravel parking lot across from Skilpot Lake/Shelter 3. We'll focus onRead More
Join outing leader Cynthia Donaldson for our March Monday Bird Outing. This outing will be held at Long Creek Park at 8:30 AM.
Please join us for this month’s chapter meeting to hear from our very own Audubon star, Kim Brand. Kim will speak to the link between our local efforts and NationalRead More
April Board Meeting
Forsyth Audubon monthly dinners take place on the second Tuesday of each month, 6PM, at River Birch Lodge on Robinhood Road. Group reservations are under “Forsyth Audubon”. There is noRead More
Join outing leader Rob Rogers on April 12th at 8:00 AM for our Second Saturday Bird Outing. This outing will be at Historic Bethabara Park. We will meet at theRead More