Monthly Dinner

River Birch Lodge 3324 Robinhood Rd, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Forsyth Audubon monthly dinners take place on the second Tuesday of each month, 6PM, at River Birch Lodge on Robinhood Road. Group reservations are under “Forsyth Audubon”. There is noRead More

Monday Bird Outing

Bethania Black Walnut Bottoms 5393 Ham Horton Lane, Bethania, NC, United States

Join us for our May Monday Bird Outing at Bethania Black Walnut Bottoms. This outing will start at 8:00 AM.

Second Saturday Bird Outing

Horizons Park 2835 Memorial Industrial School Road, Germanton, NC, United States

Join outing leader Allison Gagnon at Horizons Park for our June Second Saturday Bird Outing. This outing will be on June 14 at 8:00 AM. We will be on theRead More