Join your local Audubon Chapter or Birding Club

While apps are great instructional tools, the human brain best remembers information provided by another person who serves as an instructor or mentor. For example, Forsyth Audubon provides monthly bird outings and encourages those interested in birding to participate. They will provide loaner binoculars and help you learn how to spot and identify birds. Going on a bird outing also gives you a chance to talk about and use different brands and models of binoculars and spotting scopes.
To see the monthly calendar for Forsyth Audubon click here.
To receive Forsyth Audubon’s monthly eNewsletters click here.
Carolina Bird Club

The Carolina Bird Club (CBC) welcomes birders from both North and South Carolina to become members. This organization sponsors fall, winter, and spring field trips to some of the most spectacular birding destinations in the Carolinas. The CBC also publishes a quarterly publication called The Chat that describes unusual bird sightings and articles about species of special interest.
To learn more go to:
American Birding Association (ABA)

The American Birding Association is a national organization that promotes birdwatching as a hobby and educates its members about important bird conservation issues. For those who like to jump on a plane and go birdwatching somewhere far away for a week or more, they provide information about bird tours worldwide. To learn more go to: